In Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, an abandoned and terrified dog huddled under the guardrail on the Cross Valley Expressway. Vehicles sped by, and the black and white pooch tried his best to disappear, but the danger was imminent and he had few options left to hide. A Good Samaritan spotted him and tried to bring him to safety, but it seemed as if no one was not able to gain the dog’s trust.

Luzerne County Pet Recovery Services were contacted and jumped into action to assist. When they arrived, the dog fled to Highway 81 where he ran through traffic, somehow dodging the tires and surviving. He was finally rescued.
He has been brought to Blue Chip Farm Animal Rescue where he has been named Valley. He is not microchipped and arrived severely matted and has not wanted any human contact. He was sedated and shaved and has received his vaccinations.
Valley is still very scared. The organization’s staff is working very hard to gain his trust. If anyone recognizes this dog or has information, please call 570.333.5265.
For the last 15 years Blue Chips’ mission is to provide care, comfort, and safety to every single animal, and they have done so solely through the support of donations. Their adoption process is the core of the organization.
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