In the Hawthorne area of Los Angeles, it had to have been a miracle on Thursday afternoon, when someone spotted a small brown dog wading through the water deep in a local canal. It was a mystery how she even could have found her way down there, or had some heartless human thrown her there just to die?

When rescuer Suzette Hall, along with a team of volunteers, were notified of the dog needing help, they hurried to the location. The police and fire department in the area refused to help contending it was too dangerous.
How did she get here? Check out the video:
Well … it was dangerous for her. So I figured out a way to climb down there. Had to jump over a fence and onto a ladder that led down to the canal. The water was so smelly; swamp like. The water was high enough to cover my ankles.
Suzette Hall Facebook
And along with the Good Samaritan who spotted the dog, the two were able to get the humane trap over the fence and walk it down along the canal. The little pup was so frightened at the sight of the women, she fled, but Suzette just knew and hoped she would be back. The trap was set, and everyone climbed back out so the dog wouldn’t be scared away again. They waited.

Hours later, the trap closed! She was safe!
The women climbed over the fence again and together dragged the trap back to the area where they could climb out. Another Good Samaritan stopped and helped to lift the trap to get it over the fence.
“The places I go to save a life. But, I was not going to give up on this poor baby girl. She is nothing short of a miracle.
Suzette Hall Facebook
Meet Emberlynn; from this day forward she will never suffer or be frightened again.
Donations are needed for Emberlynn’s urgent needs.
Donations can be made directly to vet:
M-F 7 am – 6 pm
Camino Pet Hospital
Under Logan’s Legacy29
Or Venmo, PayPal or Zelle: ALL donations are transferred directly to my vet
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PayPal or Zelle:
[email protected]
Or go to lordsoflight.org and click on latest Foot Solider to donate
Rescued in loving memory of my angel
Forever a eagle
Joshua 1:9
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