In animal shelters across the country, rarely is there a time that waiting brings about “good things.” Dennis, a young German shepherd, brought into Hesperia Animal Control in California nearly one month ago, is scheduled to be humanely euthanized; the shelter is overcrowded, and Dennis has been showing signs of kennel stress.

I sat here. I waited. I watched people come in and out. I kept thinking any minute now you will walk through the door. I know I got out and I got, lost but I thought you would come find me. They say I am such a good boy here but they are out of kennel space. I have been here longer than month. I try to get peoples’ attention as they come in, but they pass me by. It is probably my age because I jump around too much because I am a young dude.
Facebook Just Breaks My Heart

Dennis –
#A061974 young adult 1-2
Intact Male
Hesperia AC
[email protected]
Hesperia, CA shelter
Additional information:

Red Status
Animals marked status red are in imminent need for rescue/adoption and in danger of being euthanized if not picked up by a rescue/adopter. Contact the rescue coordinator during business hours immediately to facilitate pickup if you are interested in a red tagged animal.
Dennis – #A061974
RESCUE DESK EMAIL for more info on dog to dog and more:
[email protected]
Age: No Age
Sex: Intact Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Color: Brown
Intake Date: 06/21/2022
Due Out: 06/25/2022

Address: 11011 Santa Fe Ave E, Hesperia, CA 92345, United States
Phone: +1 760-947-1700
Please share Dennis’ plight with approved rescue organizations, friends, family and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives. Follow Dennis’ story here.
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