Just one week ago, the staff at the City of San Antonio Animal Care Services arrived at the shelter in the morning to find a large cardboard box sitting in front of the door. The box had been taped closed, but slight whimpers coming from inside could be heard. A staff member carefully opened the box and found 11 puppies gasping for air. The weather outdoors had already been stifling – even in the early morning hours.
Even by mid-morning, the temperature outside was heating up, and eleven furry bodies in a taped shut box made the condition of these animals life threatening.
Facebook City of San Antonio Animal Care Services

According to the shelter, there has been an increase in the number of animal cruelty reports because of the intense heat. Officers are working hard to get to as many of the calls as possible.

These five-week-old puppies are just some of the lucky ones to have been found in time and rescued. The team successfully lowered their body temperatures by bringing them inside the air-conditioned building and providing them with water and food.

Pictured are Stella, Mille and Ted. Along with their eight litter mates, they are now in the care of San Antonio Pets Alive. They will be available for adoption as soon as they are old enough. Don’t shop when you can adopt.
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