A tiny kitten, just five weeks of age, is safe thanks to three office workers who teamed up to save him from a vacant building in Wake County, North Carolina. According to the SPCA of Wake County, the kitten, dubbed Milano, was crying and it caught the attention of the office workers. The animal welfare agency said:
When some office workers heard tiny meows outside their building downtown and went outside to investigate, they realized the noises were coming from inside the enclosed porch of a vacant building. Tucked all the way in the back corner behind a bunch of outdoor storage was 5-week-old Milano all by himself.
The workers contacted the property manager and were given permission to remove the panels surrounding the porch area. The shelter said that the rescued kitten is doing well:
Now, Milano is feeling great — relaxing in some air conditioning with food, water, and toys. Soon he’ll be enjoying a cozy foster home, and not long after, he’ll be ready to find a family of his own!
And commended Milano’s rescuers:
We are constantly amazed and inspired at the way our community members are willing to go out of their way to help an animal in need. Special thank you to the finders and rescuers of this little guy, and a huge thanks to YOU for supporting SPCA Wake so we could answer the call and take this guy into our foster program!
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