Perhaps before reading this bittersweet story about a Georgia nurse, an elderly terminally ill patient and the way a beloved dog changed the young nurse’s life, you might want to run and get a box of tissues. Be assured, however the ending will produce happy tears.
In Gwinnett County, Georgia Kim Still became a nurse four years ago to help people, but never did she think a patient and her dog named Jax would have such an impact on her life. Kim worked at the Northside Hospital Gawinnett, and from the time she was assigned to an elderly patient, the two had an immediate bond.
The patient had been very worried about her dog since she had no family close by and no children. The Chihuahua had been the most important part of her life, but when she died the family who flew in for the patient’s funeral, surrendered the dog to a nearby shelter.
Kim had wanted to do one more thing for the woman she had so closely connected with – even after her death, and worried the shelter would euthanize the dog before she had a chance to help – and that was to adopt Jax and give him a new home in honor of his devoted owner.
And so Kim headed to the shelter, and the two are now inseparable, and Jax even gets along fine with Kim’s other dog.
According to the Wsb-tvNews, her coworkers presented her with a Daisy Award for extraordinary compassion; a partnership with healthcare organizations to provide on-going recognition of the clinical skill and especially to honor the compassion of nurses.
Kim can’t even imagine life without Jax – a wonderful nurse and a wonderful pup together.

(Photo via Instagram)
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