In Canoas, Brazil, it is winter now, and many homeless people had refused to go to city shelters because they would have to leave their beloved pets behind. In many cases, a homeless person’s only friend in the world is his dog.
According to CtvNews, the city with an estimated population of 348,000 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, realized that many of the people living on the streets would not go to the city’s 14 homeless shelters because they were not allowed to bring their pets. It was then that the city’s animal welfare special secretary, Fabiane Tomazi Borba helped to change the no pets allowed policy.
At the La Salle Sao Paulo school facility, which can accommodate up to 150 people per day, pets are allowed. When homeless people check in, they are given a soap, towels, toothbrush, toothpaste and provided with dinner and breakfast the next morning. Their pets receive a veterinary examination where they are checked and treated for parasites, vaccinated and castrated or spayed.
They can live here with their parents, sleep warm, healthy and with the guarantee that they will not transmit any illness. So the perspective is to care for humans, but also for pets.
Fabinae Borba to media writer Peter Frontini
Doesn’t this seem like a good idea for the United States too? What are your thoughts?
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