A sweet Corgi has an amazing tale to tell, and there is no doubt his recovery has been nothing short of a miracle. Arthur had been shot between the eyes, and apparently he had been left for dead. Arthur didn’t die though – he managed to crawl under a fence and ultimately found his way to safety.
That was just two weeks ago, and it was then that the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals began to share the dog’s incredible story.
Arthur is lucky to be alive. And that is not an understatement. He was shot between the eyes and seemingly left for dead. But Arthur didn’t die. He crawled under a fence to a family farm & ultimately found safety with us.
PSPCA Instagram

The people who originally found Arthur thought the dog had injured his head when he crawled underneath the fence; and that same afternoon the dog was transferred to the care of Main Line Animal Rescue. The veterinarians examining the dog found a far more serious issue. The wound on top of his head was large and very deep, and when the dog would breathe, bubbles came out of his snout. He was given pain medication and antibiotics, and the next morning Arthur was sedated to take a better look at his injury.
Dr. Alicia Royer cleaned away the dirt, and through the infection that had developed she spotted what looked very much like a gunshot wound. X-rays confirmed her suspicions. The dog had been shot at an angle that was slightly too steep and missed his brain. The bullet resulted in a large hole in the dog’s head causing damage to his airway and mouth. Couple his injuries with fleas, anemia and ear infections, Arthur would have to struggle to overcome his physical challenges to survive.

For the past two weeks, Arthur has been spending his days in the hospital being treated with oral and topical antibiotics, daily cleanings of his wound, ear and pain medications. His wound is healing wonderfully and his breathing has vastly improved.
We are hopeful that Arthur will make a full recovery, but there are bullet fragments remaining. He may need specialty care to remove them. Only time will tell.
But in the meantime, he is the most gentle and friendliest boy. He loves every single person he sees and craves attention and affection. Everyone loves him, and it is well known that he loves chicken nuggets. We have a feeling he’ll be getting A LOT of those.
We cannot imagine why anyone would shoot such a wonderful dog. But, our officers are going to try to find out. And, while they do, we’ll be spending our days spoiling Arthur and telling him what a good boy he truly is.
Main Line Animal Rescue Facebook
Arthur’s owners were found last weekend; they live on a farm near where Arthur was found. They had been trying to get Arthur used to roaming the farm area, but he went missing. The family had asked their neighbors for help finding their dog, but it wasn’t until he was rescued that the family knew what had happened. Investigators do not suspect his former owners of having shot Arthur.
The dog’s former family surrendered Arthur due to the expenses of his injury. Meanwhile, Arthur is a love and has melted the hearts of everyone who has met him. How anyone could have or would have wanted to shoot such a kind soul is so sad and depressing. Many thanks, however to everyone who has reached out to help; no doubt the “good outweighs the bad.”
The SPCA has nicknamed Arthur, “The Survivor” on its donation pages to help pay for Arthur’s recovery expenses. The PSPCA’s most recent photos and videos of Arthur show his between-the-eyes wound healing well.
Get well soon Arthur.
Just in case you need a little love from Arthur feeling so much better, check out this brief video:
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