During another busy day on Monday at the Friends of Central Falls Animals, Animal Control Officer Charlene received a call from the local police department about a tiny kitten possibly trapped under a car.

A kind man named Mitchell had heard a tiny meow coming from the car, and as Charlene soon found out, the kitten had been hiding in the tire well. Charlene tried crawling under the car, but it was very close to the ground, and the gas tank of the vehicle prevented the officer from crawling too far under. Another man, Chico, along with Mitchell, had longer arms than the officer and were then able to reach the tire well. The problem was, as they were reaching under, the kitten would move. It was difficult for them to see where the kitten had moved.
There are days when I feel that my hope has been restored in the human race! Let’s face it, when doing animal rescue, the bad days far exceed the good days. Some days tricky situations occur and leave you feeling pretty hopeless, but then a picture begins to unfold, and once you’re able to see the full picture, you’re able to see that there really are great people out there.
ACO Charlene
All of this reaching and searching continued; that is until the kitten jumped down and ran under the animal control vehicle and then scooted off to under a third vehicle. As all of this was happening, every so often a work truck would pull over and try to assist by adding another set of eyes to find the fleeing tiny feline.

More than an hour passed of “catch me if you can” when the kitten jumped down and fled to a near apartment development. Meanwhile Dave and Vikki, the volunteer cat trappers, arrived with a net to help. Finally, Charlene was able to corner the kitten and grab her by the scruff of her neck as she tried to climb a wall.
No need to explain how displeased the kitten was to have been caught, but her/his future will be changed for the better.
When these situations are playing out, you feel a rush of emotions, mostly frustration because you fear the story won’t play out as you hope. It’s usually not in the moment when things are being played out that you can take a breath and appreciate all that goes into handling tricky situations.
ACO Charlene
And in the spirit of human kindness. Good Samaritans Mitchell and Chico weren’t giving up rescuing one very frightened kitten. Sergeant Orsini, who struggled with Charlene to get under the first car, and who called for the towing company to come lift the car to help find the kitten wouldn’t give up either. Then there was Dave, Sue and Vikki from Friends of Central Falls Animals who assisted with equipment to help. Every person who stopped by and expressed their concern including the woman who videoed the entire rescue endeavor all count and are appreciated.

Kindness is catchy – and one little kitten might never realize how lucky she/he is, but it all counts when making this a better world.
The area is also being monitored for any potential siblings to this kitten.
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