Two beautiful black shepherds have been trying to survive the best they can. More than likely, some heartless owner abandoned the bonded dogs at the Cajon Pass; a mountain pass between the San Bernardino Mountains to the east and the San Gabriel Mountains to the west in Southern California.

Several weeks ago, a park ranger notified Faith Easdale, founder of Dream Fetchers Project Rescue, about the dogs. A plea went out on social media for rescue help – no one responded and every rescue organization in the area remains full at this time.
But like I said I’ll trap until I fall on my face if I have to. I just need help with safe places.
Faith Easdale on Facebook
And for now, volunteers are bringing the dogs food and water. Volunteers and the rangers are doing their best to keep the buckets filled with water, but just yesterday some miserable human shot holes in the bucket – the dogs’ only source of water. The heartless owner had driven the dogs far from the river where no water would be available to them.

Video: Here they are just trying to survive.
I visit these two daily. This is not a good area, but the rangers and I are doing our best to keep them fed and hydrated. They are beautiful dogs and really need all the help we can give them. Please contact Faith if you are able to help.
Volunteer Rachel Wagner
The dogs need a safe place to go – qualified rescues are asked to contact Faith by clicking here. Please share the plight of these two dogs with friends, family and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives.

You can also contact Dream Fetchers Project Rescue.
Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.
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