In a Los Angeles suburb two senior dogs that had been painfully abused and severely neglected for years had been left behind after their drug abusing owner had been evicted. The abandoned senior dogs, Scotty and Ally were to be sent to the shelter, however this was to be the day their luck changed, and this was to be the day their lives finally mattered.

Rescuer Cathi Perez had been notified about the dogs and contacted Animal Friends of America where Christina Hackett quickly stepped up to help. And for the next four hours, the women transformed the dogs from matted messes; their knots tightly mangled on their limbs acting like tourniquets preventing their blood circulation and their toenails severely overgrown and digging into their pads, back into dogs feeling pretty perky and almost pain free.

Scotty, 13 – the tan dog and Ally, 9, were finally released from their painful matting, piercing foxtails and sticks. Their next steps were baths to help soothe their raw, infected skin followed by antibiotics, pain medication and finally some food. Today, at the veterinarian, they have been vaccinated, microchipped, given dewormer and bloodwork ordered.

Scotty presents as possibly having Cushings. Ally will be soon cleared for surgery to have a painful fistula removed. Both dogs will need dental for calcified teeth. And their new lives begin.
Scotty and Ally are receiving a very specialized rescue and donations are needed.
Check out the video:
New lives and feeling so much better video:
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Animal Friends of America
1534 N Moorpark Rd #128 Thousand Oaks CA 91360 United States
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