At a church in Brazil as Tamiris Muzini and Douglas Vieira Robert exchanged vows in holy matrimony, there was one uninvited guest who arrived at the church; perhaps to observe, enjoy the laughter, festivities, music and choose his new family on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.
The unexpected guest was an adorable blond dog who sat at the entrance for awhile and then entered the church and quietly watched. As wedding planner Huandra assembled the groomsmen in line, she had to move the dog out of the way to make room for the bride to enter. No one knows how the stray pooch had found his way to the car where the bride had been riding and stayed by her side as she left the vehicle.

And when everyone was seated, the dog quietly watched as the couple stood at the altar and kissed. And then, as the couple walked back down the aisle as husband and wife, the dog exited with them, and just before they stepped out of the church, the dog stood on his back feet to personally greet the couple.

Our hearts were in love with the puppy. The bride said she wanted to adopt the pup. The couple was not able to get the puppy out of their minds.
The next day everyone wanted to know what happened to the puppy, and the newlyweds, with the help of Huandra contacted the Pra Mia Project, an organization that helps strays, to help find him. With the help of social media and Instagram, the dog had been spotted and the couple rushed to pick him up.
The couple rushed to the dog’s rescue and brought him to a vet where the dog was treated for a broken paw. His new name – Braia Caramelo de Jesus.
Angels are everywhere. To honor their special day and how this adorable pup has made quite the impact, they started an Instagram account to share their story and hopes it will inspire others to adopt.
Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.
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