It was a heartbreaking Saturday afternoon for the staff and volunteers at Stray Rescue of St. Louis. A scared puppy was left at the park tied up; an opened bag of dog food strewn around her. What could she have done to have prompted her owners to desert her?

She is currently in foster care and anticipated to be made available for adoption soon.

And just hours later came more disappointment, as another young dog was discovered tied up with all of her belongings including her medical records left beside her. She was left sitting in the sun in the heat of the day. Rescuers asked around about the identity of the dog’s owner; volunteers had to “choke back tears” when neighbors stated they knew who owned the dog, but no one wanted her anymore.

Well we want you baby girl. You are perfect in every way. We named her Desire because we know so many wonderful families would love to have a dog like her. She’s not even a year old and already has been abandoned. Who wants to adopt Desire and accept all of the love she has to give?
Stray Rescue of St. Louis

Adopting a dog is a big decision to make, and one not to be taken lightly. Although there are perhaps fewer things sweeter than a new puppy or rescuing a dog from a shelter, make sure to consider the following before adopting. Maybe situations as described above could be greatly reduced if people thought about the responsibilities involved with pet parenting.
1.Dogs need exercise, and to what degree depends on the size and the breed.
2. Dogs need training, and training is an ongoing process. There are online courses and plenty of free advice to help with training available on the internet. Dogs do best with positive reinforcement, and using treats as rewards along with lots of praise can make learning a desirable experience for everyone.
3. Dogs include extra responsibilities, and everyone in the family should accept a role in caring for the dog – whether it be walking, playing, feeding or grooming and bathing.
4. Dogs need regular veterinarian care. Some families opt for pet insurance, but these are choices that need to be considered. Dogs need annual physicals, flea and heartworm medications, dental care and sometimes a necessary operation. Consider the cost and whether you can afford to take good care of your canine pal.
5. Dog sitters. If you go on vacation, you will need someone to care for your best friend while you are away. There are pet sitters available by researching online, or if you have family or neighbors who might want the job – or you can even barter services. Perhaps you can take care of their pooch in exchange for services too.
6. Dogs are wonderful and can bring a family together. Teaching children the responsibility of a pet, going on hikes together or sitting around on a cold winter evening and cuddling and playing with this awesome canine pal builds precious memories.
7. Don’t shop when you can adopt. Most shelters will make sure a dog available for general adoption to the public is healthy, vaccinated, spayed or neutered and microchipped. Senior dogs and those with health issues are also available, and there are wonderful people, (although not enough) who will share their homes and their hearts with special dogs in need.
8. Dogs are our friends for life. Most rescued dogs know they have been rescued. They live for us, and after we come home from work, school, the gym or a night out with friends, our dogs are patiently waiting for us at the front door opens. Their tails wag, they smile and come to us to say hello appreciating kind words, affectionate scratches and perhaps a treat.
Be kind … having a dog is one of the best decisions humans can make, but please be sure you are ready and there are no more heartbroken puppies left tied up alone in the park.
(Photos via Stray Rescue of St. Louis Facebook)
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