In Montgomery County, Texas, a 10-year-old child spotted a severely injured dog lying on his neighbor’s lawn. After making sure the dog had water, the young boy ran home to his parents and asked for help.

The family rushed to rescue the dog and brought him home where they tried to make him as comfortable as they could. They spent two days searching for the owner with no results. Unfortunately, the family were unable to afford the veterinary care the dog needed and called the Montgomery County Animal Control for help.

How someone could be so cruel and heartless to another living being I can’t begin to understand. I’m hoping someone will find it in their heart to give this poor animal who has so much will to live second chance at life. Poor guy as busted up as he was he still managed to take some steps and make the effort to eat and drink. Just broke my heart.
Facebook via Rescue/Foster/Network Animals of Houston
The dog, now dubbed Ri, is under the care of Lost Ball Canine Rescue and is at the Houston Veterinary Hospital. According to his veterinarians, he had been shot twice in the head and neck. Ri will lose his eye and will remain at the vet hospital for several days.
He is very sweet. Walks well on a leash and was clearly trained. He jumped into the car and into the crate like a pro.
We are all hoping you will recover soon and find a loving home.
Donations are needed for the dog’s anticipated expensive and extensive care. To donate:
PayPal: [email protected] or call Houston Veterinary Hospital and donate to the care of Ri.
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