In Hendersonville, Tennessee, David Hendrix, 57 had moved out of his house on Savely Drive more than four years ago, and for all those years had been feeding his ten dogs through a crack in the door. Area residents stated they noticed the outside of the home had not been kept neat with overgrown shrubbery, but they said they didn’t think any kind of animal abuse or neglect had been going on, since there was never any noise coming from the house.

According to WkrnNews, it had been a neighbor who contacted authorities complaining of an infestation of rats at the property. She also had concerns about dogs not being cared for and that there had been a foul odor coming from the property, consistent with something having been dead.

A code enforcement officer arrived at the home on Friday and met Hendrix there. He admitted he had moved out almost five years prior and had left his ten dogs behind. When the officer asked Hendrix why he never reached out for help, he stated some of the dogs wouldn’t let him enter the house.

Animal Rescue Corps arrived at the home, and Operation Out of the Dark commenced. The rank odor coming from the home was a telltale clue of what was to be some of the most deplorable conditions anyone had ever seen. Windows to the house had been covered and boarded up. There was no electricity, and when the rescuers knocked on the door, only one dog barked.

Authorities at the scene obtained a seizure order; it was way overtime for the suffering animals trapped in the airless, hot house to be rescued.
As we opened the front door, the piles of waste inside held it shut. There was enough space just to squeeze through.
We had to shovel years of waste just to clear a path for the door wide enough to get tactical equipment in and out. This was the same front door where one of the homeowners would come to, crack the door into that darkness and despair, place in a bucket of water and a bucket of food, close the door, and walk away. Skulls and bones right by the door spoke to the battles that went on inside for those buckets.
Animal Rescue Corps
When the rescuers entered, animal feces and urine were several inches deep and everywhere. There were remains of dogs, bones and fur on the floor. Mother dogs must have birthed puppies, but there was not a single puppy around.

Once inside, the rescuers were surprised; the dogs were gentle although very scared. The dogs have multiple health issues including open wounds, sores. ulcers, dental disease, corneal scarring and skin infections. Many are underweight and dehydrated. One dog appears to be blind – likely a result of the strong ammonia residue.
The dogs have been taken to ARC’s center in Gallatin where they are receiving care and eventually will be available for adoption.

Hendrix was arrested and charged with nine counts of aggravated animal cruelty. He has since been released after posting bail. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Hendersonville Police at 615.264.5303 or Hendersonville Crime Stoppers at 615.594.4113.
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