Last week, deputies with the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office responded to a home in West Ashley, South Carolina, after someone reported that there appeared to be a dead dog in the yard. As reported by Live 5 News, a total of four deceased dogs were found at the home on Orleans Road, and six more dogs, alive but ailing, were discovered.
The surviving dogs were transported to Charleston Animal Society (CAS) for treatment and care. Exams and testing at the animal welfare agency revealed that most of the dogs were suffering from the deadly parvovirus. Without care, all of the dogs would have most likely died.
Code enforcement deemed the residence as “unlivable” and the keys were taken from the owner. A deputy described the pitiful conditions:
We could barely walk from one room to another or down a hallway; the trash, filth, animal feces, cobwebs and items thrown all over the home was unbelievable to a reasonable human being…Portions of the ceiling were fallen, and the residence had walls that appeared to have been chewed and eaten by dogs.
Alwin Roman, Charleston Animal Society Vice President of Operations and Strategy, told the news agency:
This comes at a time when our shelter is packed beyond capacity, but we are not going to stand by and let these dogs suffer. Our mission has always been to prevent cruelty to animals, but when cruelty does happen we will provide lifesaving care and seek justice for these voiceless victims.
(Screenshot of a rescued bulldog via Live5 News)
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