An overwhelmed dog warden in Ohio has expressed frustration over the number of neglected, abused dogs, and homeless dogs. On Monday, the Mahoning County Dog Warden turned to social media to vent about the problem, that seems to be getting worse by the day:
We currently have 81 dogs in our care. This isn’t right and it isn’t fair to these dogs. It feels like the human race has gone mad. Dogs are coming in emaciated, covered in fleas, heart worm positive, wounded, unsocialized……

Asking the questions to which there seems to be no answer:
Where have they been? Who owned them? Why are people so irresponsible and cruel? What kind of world do we live in? If they are treating their animals this way they are likely treating their kids, their parents and anyone in their life the same way….like garbage. It is a never ending cycle.
And ending with an observation about the deterioration of society as a whole:
Abuse does not isolate itself to just animals. We have a serious problem in our county.
Please feel free to weigh in on this sad state of affairs in the comments below. Do you have a deluge of homeless and/or abused pets in the area where you live? Do you work at an overwhelmed shelter or rescue agency? Do you have any suggestions to make things better?
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