More than two dozen Great Danes are getting a new lease on life after being removed from a neglectful situation in Idaho. The dogs were removed after Nez Perce County authorities obtained a search warrant.
The dogs are being cared for by the Idaho Animal Rescue Network, and volunteers in the community have aided them in the rescue effort. On August 6, the agency said:
When we were asked by Sgt. Santos to meet him at the home of where these dogs were “living” in the garage, we were more than happy to assist. The elder owner was given the option of surrendering the dogs to us or face the possibility of having them seized and criminal charges potentially pursued. She was fairly receptive and sat down with us to go over everything.
As reported by KHQ News, the dogs had been used for breeding before being rescued, and they were said to be living in “filth.”

One of the rescued dogs, a senior named Andy, was described by his owner as extremely aggressive…but the rescuers quickly discovered that he was anything but.
He is the definition of a gentle giant. Andy loves everyone and we are loving him back.
Andy is old. His eyes tell his story. His body shares the horrific details. His legs shake, sometimes collapsing when trying to simply potty. He finds strength to make a round in the room to receive pets from everyone … appearing to thank everyone for saving his family. In only minutes the pain kicks in and the limping starts. He will then lean into the nearest person and uses them as his crutch as they help guide him back to his well-padded kennel.
Tonight he listened as the sweetest little girl sang to him. The drains on his face and the one on his neck reminding us of that horrible home as we all watched from across the room.
This “aggressive” dog doesn’t know that he saved his four-legged family. All Andy knows now is pure love. He has captured our hearts and we wonder how much time we will have with him … Whether it’s days or weeks or months, we are making sure he knows that he is respected, admired, and deeply loved by so many.
The dogs are not available for adoption at this time, but the rescue agency is accepting donations for their care.
PayPal: PayPal.me/IdahoPetRescue
Venmo: IdahoPetRescue (4 digit code is 9751)
Ca$h App: $IdahoAnimalRescue
Riverview Animal Clinic and Southway Animal Clinic are the veterinarians you can donate directly to.
Mailing Address:
Idaho Animal Rescue Network
2021 Ripon Ave
Lewiston ID 83501
Find the rescue agency on Facebook at this link.
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