At the Lone Start Dog Ranch & Dog Ranch Rescue in Anna, Texas, a five-month-old puppy arrived on Monday. His plight came across the organization’s social media feed asking for help, and within a matter of minutes, Groot went straight from hell to winning the jackpot.
Groot arrived last night and with the help of dedicated volunteers was transported to the emergency veterinarian hospital where he was admitted and made comfortable with fluids and pain medications.
Meet Groot (not feeling so hot)
This morning veterinarians updated the rescuers. Groot’s tibia is broken in three places, and his fibula is broken in half. He is now on three intravenous pain medications that have since made him so comfortable he is trying to stand up. He’s being described as a “real trooper” and allows any and all procedures that need to be done.

He has hook worms, his hematocrit is very low, and if it drops any further he may need to be transfused.
Facebook via Lone Start Dog Ranch & Dog Ranch Rescue
Updates to follow on the prognosis of the puppy’s leg. Meanwhile he’s comfortable, and Groot will never suffer from neglect every again.
To make a donation to the puppy’s medical costs, please click here.
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