Tom Bergeron, the former host of Dancing With the Stars, has welcomed a tiny beagle now named Wilbur into their family, a rescued puppy his sister just adopted.
The host shared a video on Instagram of the moment the two first met when Wilbur had been hiding behind a couch cushion and then the puppy licking Bergeron’s face.
I just met Wilbur (my sister’s cute new rescue). The video shows the actual moment I first met him… Photos by @yaogtreehaverhillstopphotographer.
Bergeron on Isnstagram
For anyone wondering where this adorable pup came from, he is just one of 4,000 rescued beagles that came from Envigo, a breeding facility in Virginia. According to the Humane Society of the United States, the dogs and puppies are being cared for and adopted out at rescue and shelter partners. The relocation plan has been jointly approved by the United States Department of Justice and the Human Society.
In a press release from March 2022, Virginia Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine initiated immediate action after complaints had been filed detailing horrible and inhumane conditions in the breeding facility.
Read more about the beagles here and how they were rescued.
Bergeron is an avid animal rescuer and just last month hosted Wagmor’s Pet Gala to raised funds for the non profit dog rescue organization.
Welcome home Wilbur. Interested in adopting a beagle? Please click here to help.
Need a little beagle cuteness? Check this out.
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