At the Lee County Domestic Animal Services in Fort Meyers, Florida, gorgeous two-year-old Krasus can’t catch a break. On Friday, he was adopted by a family who returned him three hours later because the adopters were unsure of the dog’s ongoing heartworm treatment. In addition, they said Krasus was too “aloof” and not especially affectionate. That was within three hours!
After a peaceful weekend, Krasus looked forward to a new family, but on Monday, the sweet boy was returned again. This time someone in his new family said he was “too big.”
Volunteers absolutely in love with Krasus admits he is a big dog, but in their opinion he’s anything but “aloof.”
Maureen can attest to the fact that he’s super affectionate after being drenched by his kisses! Krasus’ heartworm treatment is being treated and paid for by LCDAS. Adopt Krasus.
Please note, the volunteers here are doing everything they can to help these beautiful dogs find new homes. These are people with big hearts and graciously devote their own time making life better for pets in need.
Please share Krasus’ plight with friends, family and social media contacts. Sharing saves lives.
For more information about Krasus, please click here.
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