Xena was found lying in filth and debris in Rio Grande, Texas. When a heartbreaking photo of Xena was sent to rescuer Leslie Hennings asking for help, a plea immediately went out.

She knows she is garbage to her family. They threw her away like the trash she is. Emaciated, infested with ticks and fleas. She has completely given up. She has no energy to try. The only people she loved, tossed her away. She desperately needing rescue and foster! She will be out there tonight!
She was left to wither away by the day under the sun. She starved, unable to find food and too sweet to fight for it, ticks bit into her and embedded themselves in her skin, fleas crawled over her, and no one gave her a second glance. By the time she was found, she was infested with bugs and absolutely defeated. Ticks have invaded every crevice of her body, she is extremely pale and anemic, and there’s even concern that she contracted Distemper.

For hours and hours, Leslie reached out to friends, rescue organizations and social media contacts for help with Xena.
…When a dog is ‘picked up’ off the streets, people say ‘ they have been rescued.’ …The work it takes to actually rescue a dog is not just picking them up. Do you know how long it took to rescue this dog? How difficult it was to find a rescue, especially a foster willing to take a possible distemper dog? The compromises? Do you know how many people it took to talk to, to arrange with? Do you know how many rejections from everyone, everything and vets? How many opinions? How many messages, calls and texts? It took all day.
Volunteers drove around ALL day. So no, this dog was not “rescued” when she was picked up. This dog was rescued once she hit the surgical table at the vet an hour ago and they started the blood transfusion. THATS what rescue means. ..
Leslie Hennings on Facebook
And after hours and hours of work, Xena will have a chance at life. She is currently at an emergency veterinarian hospital where the staff has been working to get her condition stabilized. She will be heading to a foster home under the care of Sandy Paws Rescue Inc. A foster home has been arranged and a medical team will be awaiting her arrival.

Xena will be needing vaccinations, tick removal, grooming, antibiotics, deworming, diagnostics and skin therapy. Her care is going to be very expensive. Donations would be very much appreciated. Sandy Paws Rescue will keep folks updated but want you to know that even $5.00 or a small gift from her wish list makes a difference and will go directly to her care.
The best way to donate directly to Xena’s care is through her Cuddly page: https://cuddly.com/donate/4910827/xena
Many thanks to Leslie Hennings and the awesome volunteers who help rescue these dogs.
Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.
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