In the outskirts of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, where so many stray dogs do their best to survive, another miracle rescue helping a frantic mother find her newborn puppies had a happy ending thanks to the devoted staff of Animal Aid Unlimited.

Residents in the area called for help when they spotted a dog feverishly digging in the rubble of an abandoned house that had just collapsed in the pouring rainstorm. When help arrived, her rescuers saw her digging in one particular area – using her paws to scrape away the dirt, biting at the huge stones and tearing feverishly at the rubble. The mother was full of milk, and her one goal in life was to save the lives of her puppies buried in the dirt and rocks.

It was feared the puppies might have perished in the avalanche, but somehow their mother wasn’t giving up. Apparently she sensed her puppies were still alive and refused to give up; she and her rescuer took turns digging and pushing away the stones. Time was of the essence, and the mother dog sensed her babies could suffocate at any moment.

And then it happened; the crying of the puppies came through the remaining rocks and dirt loud and clear. The mom was beside herself, and with the help of the human she had asked for help, the first puppy was rescued. He was very much alive.

The mother dog immediately pushed her baby to nurse and waited patiently for her other puppy to be rescued.
When all were safe, mother and her babies were led to a safe part of the area where she could care for her puppies. Animal Aid Unlimited will be watching the puppies grow up until they are weaned and then spay the mother dog. Check out this amazing story caught on video.

You’ll never forget this incredible portrait of a blissful rescue and a mother’s unstoppable love.
Animal Aid Unlimited
Check out the video. It is another amazing rescue and our hearts are smiling.
Please donate: https://www.animalaidunlimited.org/do…
(Photos via screenshots Animal Aid Unlimited video)
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