Dozens of neglected cats have been rescued from horrific conditions at a cat “rescue” in Ohio. Between 40 and 50 cats, who were living in filthy, unsafe conditions at a residence in Niles were saved by the Animal Welfare League.

The cats were in the care of “Niles Cat Crusade,” and it was a tip from a concerned citizen that led to the investigation. On August 9, the Animal Welfare League posted photos showing the conditions inside of the Higley Avenue residence, writing:
So far it looks like 40-50 cats will be removed from the property and brought to our already over-capacity shelter. If you have ever considered adopting, now is the time!
Please consider making a donation to help support our work and mission here at the AWL.
Charges are pending.
CEO Lori Shandor described the sad situation to WKBN News:
“There was severe urine scalding from them being in their own urine. Many of the cats also had severe matting of feces all around them.”
“The idea of somebody taking an animal from a less than ideal place and putting them into these horrendous conditions is just…it’s saddening and it is devastating.”
TNR of Warren posted to social media, indicating that the cat rescue group has shut down:
There is NEVER an excuse for animal abuse. We held a clinic yesterday and cats were brought to us from someone we have dealt with for years. The cats had been in traps for a very long time ( over two weeks) covered in urine burns and standing in their own feces no care whatsoever it was absolutely unbelievable that someone who runs a rescue would treat animals like this. The Niles Cat Crusade is shut down. Our vet could not believe the condition of these traps and the cats inside. HER home was raided today and more cats seized see pics on AWL. This is beyond belief. These cats had nowhere to go locked in traps, sitting out in the heat and humidity. We hope this person is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The woman who is facing charges has not been named publicly.
You can find the Animal Rescue League, that rescued the cats, on Facebook at this link.
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