In South Texas, a severely injured dog had been reported wandering the streets for days. Dallas Dog – Rescue.Rehab.Reform had sent a volunteer out to find her and transport her to Pet Doctor 911, rather than waiting for her to be picked up by animal control and euthanized because of her serious injuries.

Had the dog been struck by a car, x-rays would have shown broken bones, but the cuts, bruises and severed flesh across her body revealed something more sinister. It is suspected she had been dragged behind a vehicle; how long and how far would never be known, but the dog likely had given up as her footing gave out and she was painfully dragged along not knowing when the agonizing pain would finally stop.

When rescuers found her, she had been lying in a pile of trash covered with extensive gashes; a part of her face missing. Residents in the neighborhood had seen the dog around for several days; in the meantime her wounds had become infected and necrotic. Dubbed Hanna, the dog was rushed to the emergency hospital where she was administered life-saving treatment. The hope was to stabilize her and then get her up to the Dallas-Fort Worth area for possible reconstruction surgery.
Hanna’s treatment has been continuing:
Wounds that will leave scars on Hanna’s body inflict yet another scar upon our hearts. Little by little we’re trying to piece together what could have caused such austere gashes. Today we received news from the doctors; they expect Hanna was dragged behind a car leaving torn flesh and a revolting road rash across her body.
Our society is broken. Inflicting harm upon an animal or human out of anger or entertainment has humanity moving in the wrong direction. The only thing that keeps us pursuing our goal are the animals and all the amazing animal lovers out there supporting us!
Dallas Dog RRR

When Hanna’s bloodwork is better they will sedate her and debride all of her wounds.
Hanna’s treatments will begin with debridement under anesthesia, but will require some facial reconstruction. The wound on the side of her face is by far the worst on her body. She will be making her way to Dallas on Thursday so the physical healing can start.

She will also need a foster who can help her with the mental healing and learning to trust again. Please help to provide Hanna with top notch care so she can become whole again.
To foster: https://www.dallasdogrrr.org/become-a-foster
The estimate is from $4,000 to $5,000.
Website – www.dallasdogrrr.org/donate
PAYPAL/ZELLE [email protected]
Cash App $DallasDogRRR
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