In North Haven, Connecticut, a miniature horse was born with two luxating patellas meaning his knee caps were in the wrong spots and angles. When the foal walked, he had to place all of his weight on his front legs and appeared hunched over whenever he moved. He was in pain, and in order to survive would need extensive orthopedic surgery. Was euthanasia the only option for this boy?

The Road to Refuge Animal Sanctuary was contacted about a month ago to help the foal named Turbo. And so the miniature horse’s challenge to live a pain free life and have a future commenced:
We were asked to come pick him up this weekend and our plan is to take him right to Tufts for an evaluation and surgery. We CANNOT help this little boy without your help. His surgery and hospital stay was quoted to be $9k. This is truly going to take a miracle to pull off. We will NOT be able to help him, without you all in our corner.. in HIS corner. He deserves the best chance at life and we want to give it to him. Will you please help us? We would be willing to pick him up TOMORROW if we can raise the funds.
Megan on Facebook for Road to Refuge

Check out his first video:
The original plan was to take three-month-old Turbo directly to Tufts for an examination and consultation, however the surgeons thought it would be best to wean the foal from his mother before undergoing anesthesia and major surgery.
In the meantime, Walkin’ Pets, a New Hampshire pet mobility company had heard of Turbo’s mobility issues and arrived at the sanctuary and fitted Turbo for a wheelchair which the company donated. The moment Turbo was strapped in – he took off running!
Seeing Turbo walk before any assistance and dragging his legs, to being in his cart, I almost started crying. He was running, bucking – it was all very exciting.
Walkin’ Pets

Turbo is likely to need surgery in the future, and are in need of donations to cover his veterinarian visits. His CAT scan was performed on Monday. Updates to follow.
If you haven’t yet, please consider joining Patreon. Turbo needs sponsors- yes multiple! Can’t sponsor? Sign up for as little as $1 a month to help support our monthly costs of running the sanctuary. Click the link to join!!
Don’t want to make a monthly pledge? Make a one time donation via IG/FB or:
—Venmo: RoadToRefuge-AnimalSanctuary or
—PayPal: Roadtorefugeanimalsanctuary@abdul99457
(Photos via Road to Refuge Animal Sanctuary and Walkin’ Pets)
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