In South Texas, a severely injured dog had been reported wandering the streets for days. Dallas Dog – Rescue.Rehab.Reform had sent a volunteer out to find her and transport her to Pet Doctor 911, rather than waiting for her to be picked up by animal control and euthanized because of her serious injuries. It was suspected she had been tied to the back of a vehicle and dragged; no one knows how long she had been suffering.
When rescuers arrived, she had been lying in a pile of trash covered with extensive gashes; a section of her face missing. Residents in the neighborhood had reported seeing the dog for a few days to a week; in the meantime her wounds had become infected and necrotic. Dubbed Hanna, by her rescuers, the dog was rushed to the emergency hospital where she was administered life-saving treatment. The hope was to stabilize her and then get her up to the Dallas-Fort Worth area for possible reconstruction surgery.

Last evening, the emergency animal hospital ran blood work and attempted to stabilize her. She made it through the night, and at one point even tried to stand up. On Friday morning she was transferred to Animal Diagnostic Clinic to see a specialist who has treated similar injuries.

The emergency doctor provided a less than ideal prognosis. Poor Hanna’s face wound is in severely poor condition and has started to swell.

Oftentimes when ER’s see a dog with this extent of wounds, they recommend letting them go because they worry they have been through too much. In all honesty it is a fine line. We NEVER want a dog to suffer, but we also want to give them a fighting chance so that they may have a loving home that they so desperately deserve..
Dallas Dog RRR

Check out Hanna’s video as she arrived at ADC earlier today:
Hanna’s prognosis at this time is unknown, however the next two to three days will be critical She will be kept comfortable and secure and will have her wounds cleaned and then assessed to determine how the torn up viable skin on her face is doing. If her skin is healing, she will then undergo reconstructive surgery.
Hanna will never look like she used to, the trauma she endured will remain a testament of just how cruel society can really be and a reminder of what we must work to change. She is just a puppy – estimated at 7-10 months. Hanna deserves a chance at a loving family and wonderful life!
Dallas Dog RRR
Donations are needed to proceed with the dog’s proposed plan.
More updates to follow.
She will also need a foster who can help her with the mental healing and learning to trust again. Please help to provide Hanna with top notch care so she can become whole again.
To foster: https://www.dallasdogrrr.org/become-a-foster
The estimate is from $4,000 to $5,000.
Website – www.dallasdogrrr.org/donate
PAYPAL/ZELLE [email protected]
Cash App $DallasDogRRR
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