This summer has been hard for stray animals, especially the dogs who scavenge for scraps on the streets of St. Louis, trying their best just to survive. So often they are emaciated, they are injured or their once beautiful coats have literally fallen off because of neglect combined with disease.

Stray Rescue of St. Louis stepped forward on Thursday to welcome another lost soul, and even though in the last 25 years have seen some of the most severe cases of mange, this has to be one of the worst. His hairless body broke hearts.

“… his open wounds, his painful sores, his skinny hungry body. His skin had just been flaking off. His hips ached through his protruding hip bones and his hairless tail…
And finally, those eyes. Those sad, sad eyes. We can feel his broken heart through his eyes. He is completely defeated. We are so sorry this has happened to you.
Stray Rescue of St. Louis

And now, after too many days of suffering and defeat on the lonely streets, a once lost soul now named Kanga is no longer a lost soul. He is receiving medicated baths, antibiotics for his infections, nutritious foods and of course – much love. Slowly, Kanga’s broken heart will heal; he will no longer be in pain, and although he has a long road ahead of him, he is expected to make a full recovery.
A lost soul no more. Meet Kanga His body hurts all over, he makes our heart ache. We’ve said it several times now, but this has been a brutal summer for animals. You won’t believe your eyes when you see the soul that just joined our family. As we took pictures of his poor, aching body, we all gasped. Yes, we’ve seen many dogs come in with horrible mange over our 25 years, but haven’t seen a case this bad in years. His skin looks like stone as he is completely hairless, except for a strip of black hair across…
Stray Rescue of St. Louis
Updates to follow.

Please make a donation for this sweet soul today. He will receive medicated baths, antibiotics for infection, skin testing, and more. Your gift today will help us transform this lost soul into a beautiful and happy boy. He has a lot of life left to live, and we will make sure it is everything he has only dreamed of. Click here for more information.
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