In Wilson County, Texas, rescuers came to the aid of two abandoned dogs left under a tree for days in the extreme heat with no food or water. Thankfully, nearby neighbors spotted the dogs in the same place for days and brought them a bucket of water.

According to the Wilson County No Kill Shelter, the 170-pound black dog, named Autumn Noir is morbidly obese and unable to walk. The other dog, a retriever had been guarding the black dog and barked whenever anyone came too close. Three rescuers lifted the dog into the back of a truck with lots of padding for her comfort.
Once we gave her a treat and gentle pet, she was wagging her tail and ready to go. Luckily for these two, passersby gave them water in a bucket. Otherwise, it is unlikely they would have survived another day in this heat. One family was so heartbroken about leaving them there another day, that they took them further down the road to their property to give them shelter, food, and water.
Facebook Wilson County No Kill Shelter

Once the dogs arrived at the shelter, they were scanned for microchips. Autumn Noir was registered to David V from San Antonio. The dog was born in 2016 and had been adopted from the Animal Defense League of Texas in April 2016. The registered microchip owner stated he only had the puppy for two weeks and returned her to the ADL “because something was wrong with her.” When contacted, the ADL had no record of the puppy ever having been returned.

Sadly, no one knows what happened to Autumn and how she found herself so obese and then so alone under a tree all alone with another dog guarding her. The other dog did not have a microchip.
Both dogs will be receiving the best of care, and we will be checking back on their progress.
Autumn (the me big black dog) is on pain and anti inflammatory medicine right now. She is also on reduced calorie intake. She is going to stay inside our office for now.
To help:
Donations for the care of these two and all others at the shelter can be made via:
(1) Text WCNK to 89871
(2) PayPal https://www.paypal.me/wcnkas
(3) Venmo @wcnkas
(4) Mail to: 1059 County Road 301, Floresville, TX 78114
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