In South Texas, a severely injured dog had been reported wandering the streets for days. Dallas Dog – Rescue.Rehab.Reform had sent a volunteer out to find her and transport her to Pet Doctor 911, rather than waiting for her to be picked up by animal control and euthanized due to her serious injuries. It was suspected she had been tied to the back of a vehicle and dragged; no one knows how long she had been suffering.

When rescuers arrived, she had been lying in a pile of trash covered with extensive gashes; a section of her face missing. Residents in the neighborhood had reported seeing the dog for a few days to a week; in the meantime her wounds had become infected and necrotic. Dubbed Hanna, by her rescuers, the dog was rushed to the emergency hospital where she was administered life-saving treatment.

Hanna has since been transferred to Animal Diagnostic Clinic where specialists have been treating her. Although she is not out of the woods, she has been resting comfortably after initial debridement of her wounds. In addition, she has received a blood transfusion, a feeding tube and several teeth with painful exposed and infected roots have been removed.
On Friday, just a hint of optimism rang through the hospital where Hanna remains a star patient.

Although she is in critical condition, we see a glimmer of hope as we guide into the weekend. Hanna will be closely monitored and as long as she has blood flow to her face, we will be able to move forward. There are two possible surgery options to close the wounds as long as the blood flow is there.
Check out her video on Sunday!
Just one day after surgery, Hanna is truly making strides; there seems to be a lot of fight in this dog. Please keep sending her positive messages.
To help:
Please DONATE to our EMERGENCY FUND to help Hanna and other emergency cases.
Website – www.dallasdogrrr.org/donate
PAYPAL/ZELLE [email protected]
Cash App $DallasDogRRR
Read previous coverage of Hanna here and here.
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