Soner Buyumez, a veterinarian assistant, had been at work on a farm in an isolated area in the Develi district of Kayseri, Turkey after an earthquake and then a local landslide occurred. While crossing the road, he heard the cries of a frightened dog. He immediately ran to the area where he heard the noise and spotted a mound of soil; a dog had been trapped up to her neck.

More than likely, the mother dog had survived the earthquake and had been able to dig a small den in the area where her newborn puppies would be safe. Tragically, the slight tremors in the area collapsed the dog’s small area and a mound of soil came tumbling down trapping her and her newborns.

Check out the video:
Check out video #2
According to TV1, Buyumez and his friend dug through the soil with their bare hands calling out to the dog, “Come my dear, come.” Once the mother dog was out, the work was not finished, because her puppies were still trapped. As the kind veterinarian tech and his friend continued pushing and digging the dirt out from the hole with their bare hands, they found the eight puppies. Sadly, one puppy did not survive.

The rescue effort took about almost an hour. Buyumez took the mother dog and her puppies home with him and will keep them all until they are healthy and old enough to be adopted.
I would like to thank our colleague Soner Buyumez, who works as a veterinary technician on a private farm in Kayseri Develi who is working hard to save a life.
Mustafa Ilahin Provinicial Director of Agriculture and Forestry
(Photos and videos via FB Soner Buyumez and TV1News)
There are angels everywhere. Many thanks to these fine men for helping those who cannot speak.
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