Early Saturday morning, Good Samaritans called out for help when they found a young dog lying near the Lytle Creek shooting area in Southern California. Her belly was terribly swollen, and rescuers didn’t know if she was about to deliver a litter of puppies or was there another reason?

Tika was only a year old when an unknown person dumped her to fend for herself in the desert. Fortunately, a Good Samaritan found her lying amid the weeds and shrubs and contacted rescuers Faith Easdale and her team. They rushed her to the nearest emergency veterinarian hospital for life saving treatment.
Tika was not pregnant; instead 14 liters of fluid had to be drained from her body, and she was diagnosed to be in liver failure. Her body was able to survive the pyometra, but only for a short time. Although she was to become a hospice foster because she was also born with a small liver and given two months to live at most, her rescuers wanted to cherish her time left and give her lots of love and fun adventures.

After a weekend at the hospital, the sweet Dobie was ready to leave. Sadly, life isn’t always kind and never long enough.
We were making plans to take her to the beach and giving her all the love and adventures she deserved. We thought we had weeks, or at least days to try and restore our hope that she will pull through this. Her body only gave us hours. She started to decline very rapidly this afternoon, and her body went into shock. I didn’t even make it past the front door when I had to rush her back to the vet where collectively we made the difficult decision to let her go.
She took one deep breath and she was gone. She was ready.
FAD: Free Animal Doctor Faith Easdale

Much to our sadness, Tika earned her wings. Her human angels were there with her and gave her “tons of kisses for all of us and let her know how much she was loved and would not be alone when she crossed.”
Rest in peace sweet pup.
Read prior articles here and here.
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